The CWHL is set to cease operations at the beginning of May. Basically, this means that the CWHL is no more.

This is a devastating release for many fan, players, coaches, and league affiliates. Women’s hockey has always struggled to get much traction, but lately it had been getting increased exposure. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.

The most heartbreaking part of it so far may be this letter from an upset 8-year-old named Jordyn. Stacey, Jordyn’s mother, posted a picture of the letter which shows genuine hurt, as well as pleading for a solution.



It’s no joke, Jordyn is a huge CWHL fan. Stacey’s Twitter feed is full of pictures of her daughter cheering on the Toronto Furies. Her favourite player and role model is Natalie Spooner, who Tweeted this out after receiving the news.



It’s only been one week since this special moment.



(H/T Twitter/staceyjordyn16)