Professional golfers don’t always have it that easy.

Sure, they get to travel to beautiful destinations and earn copious amounts of money. But on top of the immense pressure the athletes face, they’re forced to play through unbearable heat in long pants. In fact- it’s mandatory while competing on the PGA tour.

Tiger Woods is very familiar with the rule, though he can’t come to terms with why it exists. Woods spoke with’s Joe Boozell about the possibility of wearing shorts and made his stance against it perfectly clear. In the interview, he stated:

The following is an excerpt from Bleacher Report

"I would love it. We play in some of the hottest climates on the planet. We usually travel with the sun, and a lot of our events are in the summer, and then on top of that when we have winter months here, a lot of the guys will go down to South Africa and Australia where it's summer down there. A lot of the tournaments are based right around the equator, so we play in some of the hottest places on the planet. It would be nice to wear shorts. Even with my little chicken legs, I still would like to wear shorts."

Tiger, just because your upper body is enormous, doesn’t mean you have chicken legs!


Boozell noted that although the PGA Tour restricts players from wearing shorts, the European tour permits it. He also mentioned that the PGA of America allowed golfers to rock shorts during practice rounds for the 2017 PGA Championship.

If caddies are allowed to wear shorts (which they most certainly are, by the way), then their employer should probably be given the same option.

Seeing Tiger rock a lucky red pair of shorts in a Major tournament would be something else.

(H/T Bleacher Report)