The Detroit Tigers may as well change their name to the Detroit Geese seeing as that’s the animal everyone is talking about in Motown these days. It all started back on Wednesday when a Angels-Tigers game was interrupted by a Canadian goose.


Since then, the Tigers have embraced the goose, and have since deemed it their “Rally Goose”. This is because the Tigers would break a 1-1 tie with a huge 5 run 6th inning, and now they’ve taken it a step further.


As a result of their weekend opponent’s new found rally mascot, the Toronto Blue Jays have offered their own proposed rally mascot – the rally Moose. While the Canadian goose is, er, well it’s obviously Canada-affiliated, the moose is likely right at the top of the Canadian-affiliated animal power rankings, sitting right next to the beaver. It also helps that it rhymes.


(H/T Twitter/Toronto Blue Jays)