There’s a lot of stadium food out there that might try to shock you by overstuffing different ingredients into, say, a burger. They might combine foods that probably shouldn’t be combined, like a cotton candy hot dog.

In the latest addition to their concession stand offerings, the Miami Dolphins won’t be leaning on shock value. No, it’s just simple soft serve. The twist is in the presentation — you get to take home a mini Dolphins helmet, because the ice cream is literally being served in said helmet.

This is a neat idea! Ice cream is being served in a container in which ice cream does not belong, and you get a little souvenir to take home. (You'll have to give it a run in the dishwasher, though.)

Still, and not to speak for anyone else, we think our weakness is still the Arizona Cardinals' tried-and-true approach of piling as much concession food — a burger patty, sausages, bacon, chicken tenders, fries and of course layers of American cheese — into one single monster of a burger. It's outrageous, and it's absolutely a food purchasing mistake we'd make.

h/t Twitter/darrenrovell