Former Toronto Maple Leafs scrapper Tie Domi knew a thing or two about throwing a punch so naturally, the brawl in Tuesday night’s Pirates vs. Reds game caught his attention.

But… he didn’t seem to be all that impressed with what he saw.

In case you missed out on the action, here’s what happened: down 11-3 with two outs in the top of the ninth, Reds pitcher Amir Garrett stormed off the mound and essentially tried to take on the entire Pirates team on his own. He managed to throw a nasty looking punch but from there, the two teams (though heated) essentially got up in each other’s faces and had to be held back. This didn’t sit well with Domi, who was looking for a couple more haymakers in the altercation. He reflected on the good old days when fists were chucked by Reds legends Pete Rose and Johnny Bench.


Here’s a small taste of what he was referring to:


The craziest part of the brawl wasn’t even the initial punch thrown by Garrett, but instead had to do with a certain outfielder in a Reds jersey who technically wasn’t even on the team anymore when it all happened. Outfielder Yasiel Puig was actually traded to Cleveland 25 minutes prior to the action but still felt the need to charge the field to defend his teammate.

Now THAT’S something Tie can get behind.



Trevor #Bauer and Yasiel #Puig are on the move 👀 . Thoughts? 🤔

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Say what you want Tie but for us millennials, last night was a pretty incredible sight.

(H/T Tie Domi)