The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events of the year, so you never know who you’re going to run into during the week leading up to the big game.

From professional athletes to famous celebrities, just about anyone who can afford it takes a trip down to the Super Bowl to be part of the memorable day, including other NFL superstars. One player who is taking in all the sights and sounds of Super Bowl week is Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

Reddit user wangosz was recently invited to a company Super Bowl party by his girlfriend. Too busy to attend, he had to turn down the invite and he probably regretted his decision almost immediately after he received this personal message from the two-time NFL MVP.

My GF invited me to a super bowl party her work was having in Minneapolis last night and I passed because I was busy. Then she sent me this... from r/GreenBayPackers

Just about any time you turn down a company event you run the chance that you might miss out on something exciting, but he probably wasn’t expecting it to be that big of a deal.

(H/T r/GreenBayPackers, u/wangosz)