The social media people for sports teams have really come into their own, with some teams pulling away in their online presence. The Vegas Golden Knights are a good example of this, but other teams such as the Atlanta Hawks have historically had a good social media presence. 

The Lions took their Twitter game to another level on Monday while announcing New England Patriots' most recent defensive coordinator Matt Patricia as their new head coach. Remember when the Carolina Panthers hid Fresh Prince of Bel-Air lyrics in their tweets? It was sort of like that. 

The Lions began each of their tweets with a strategic letter, and after ten tweets the first letters read T O T O A F R I C A... or more likely intended to be Toto - Africa.



It's not the first time the Lions have used the song. On New Year's Eve they used the song to bring their followers into the new year the right way.


The famous 80's single has somewhat of a soulful cult following, so the Lions decided to take advantage in a very unrelated way.


​That's one creative way to gain some publicity for the team's big signing. 

(H/T Pride of Detroit)