Have you had enough of Neymar? For all of his talent, World Cup watchers have had a tough time looking past his tendency to embellish fouls, and considering just how much time he’s spent playing up his pain in the World Cup, it’s perfectly understandable.

So, as Brazil faces off against Belgium in their quarterfinal match on Friday, Belgian fans have found a new way to make light of Neymar’s antics.

A public Facebook event with over 10,000 users listed as ‘going’ — and 27,000 more as ‘interested’ — has one very simple rule: “Every time Neymar falls to the ground, you have to drink.”

Folks, Saturday morning in Belgium may be a quiet one. The event is titled in Dutch as “Adfundum elke keer Neymar valt,” and ‘ad fundum’ describes the Belgian tradition of finishing your drink. Basically, Belgian fans have to finish their drink every time Neymar falls.

Like the player they mock, Belgian fans may soon be hitting the ground, too. (That’s all good, though, because the rest of the world is already doing it.)