Since Kobe’s passing back in January, it has become fully obvious just how deep his roots went when it came to being a legend. Tons of stories have poured out from all over the place outlining the little things he would do in life, the things nobody would even hear about, that made him the Black Mamba.

It seems like everyone that knew him has some sort of profound quote delivered by Kobe. The man lived and breathed wisdom, and his death has brought that all to the surface in a hurry.

Another story came out soon after Kobe was officially elected to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, this time coming from longtime teammate and friend Pau Gasol. In a video interview with Zach Lowe, Gasol explains how Kobe insisted on meeting and welcoming him to the Los Angeles Lakers despite it being the wee hours of the morning.



The pair would go on to be crucial in two Lakers’ championships, and their chemistry on the court is considered to be near telepathy. Of course when they would communicate on the court, it would often be in Spanish so as not to let their opponents know what they were doing.