Oh, the trails of playing in an outdoor ballpark. Not only are you open to Mother Nature’s often unforgiving elements, but you also need to deal with another obstacle from time to time – wildlife.

We’ve seen squirrels, cats, and rabbits take the field, and we’ve all seen the famous clip of Randy Johnson accidentally killing a bird in an explosion of feathers after one of his heater’s found the moving target. The latest wildlife attack came in the form of something a little more scary. Bees!



You can see team members wrapping towels in an effort to avoid being stung. While it’s certainly not something you see every day, it’s not the first time we’ve seen the yellow and black take to the baseball diamonds.

Just ask the San Diego Padres. They’ve had a few problems with it…



Cleveland also got a taste of bees, as they were seen covering the banners around the outfield.



Not exactly what you want while trying to focus on the game, but it didn’t interfere too much. The Angels, who seemed to be getting the worst of it, ended up walking away victorious 7-2 over Texas.

As far as we know, no one was stung.

(H/T Cut4)