The world of sports is a hotbed for emotion, and sometimes that emotion can boil over into something a little more physical. We see it fairly often in the game of hockey, where fisticuffs are permitted, but when it comes out of players in other sports it is often brought out with even more emotion - after all it would take a lot to throw that first punch, right?

Some recent examples include football fights, but it's hard to really believe the damage could be very high when players are wearing heavy-impact protection

In basketball, we've seen an uptick in physicality, but not since the Malice at the Palace have we really seen a full on brawl. Most basketball confrontations end after one or two punches and a couple quick ejections.



Things got heated between #DeMarDeRozan and #GoranDragic after Toronto’s loss to Miami.

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#JamesJohnson and #SergeIbaka were both ejected after throwing punches at each other.

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Recently we even saw a group of parents go at it during their kids' hockey game.

But on Monday, two Georgian rugby teams went absolutely full-tilt in an entire team brawl. Rugby players pride themselves on toughness, and the lack of protective equipment in the game adds to that status. This full on brawl probably could have used a little more protective equipment.


The brawl was about 20 seconds of complete mayhem, with players hopping from one group to another to help out their teammates. 

That's one way to build team bonding.

(H/T Deadspin)