Ronda Rousey is back. Well, she’s back somewhere. She may have seen her final days in the octagon, but she will not be disappearing anytime soon after signing a contract with the WWE. Well this may seem ridiculous to some non-wrestling fans, you can bet that the WWE community is stoked to see the former ESPN best female athlete ever recipient taking on familiar wrestlers.

Que Dana Brooke, who entered the venue and called out Rousey for likely what a lot of people around the world of professional wrestling would have to agree with – a “nobody” that has to start at the back of the line. Wrong choice of words, Dana.

In an untelevised segment, Rousey can be seen tossing Brooke out of the ring to give people a little preview of what to expect on April 8th when “Rowdy” Ronda teams up with Kurt Angle to face Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.

NOTE: Brooke appears at 2:00


To be completely honest, Ronda looked a little uncomfortable in the segment. But hey, she’s just getting used to it. We’ll see if she’s able to loosen up the more she’s able to toss people out of the ring. After all, it seems like this genuinely does mean a lot to her. 



(H/T For The Win)